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The Idrovia Veneta, Venetian Coastal Canal, is a navigable way that originated in the Venetian Lagoon, and runs about 127 kilometers and flows into the Trieste Gulf near Punta Sdobba. This coastal waterway is made up of segments of natural and artificial canals, created by the rivers Sile, Piave Livenza, Lemene, Tagliamento , Stella and Izonzo, and by the lagoons of Caorle, Marano and Grado. This internal waterway, located in the upper Adriatic Sea, was developed during the Serenissa Republic, and has ancient origins.

Already in Roman times, a navigable course existed from Aquileia to Adria, reaching as far as Ravenna. This specific navigable course uses the advantages of its natural surroundings. The waterway was formed by a labyrinth of lagoons and canals which are connected to man-made waterways, and was used intensely for commercial transportation. The advantages of this type of navigation, from a safety point of view, are obvious: boats and ships could travel long distances without entering the open sea, resulting in full operative activities with few risks, especially during the harsher months.  

(Thanx to the Museo of the Lagoon of Marano Lagunare - pictures by Francesco Leggio)

Litoranea Veneta

The sceneries of the Lignano Sup Marathon

Adriatic Sea, Lagoon of Marano, Litoranea Veneta coastal canal, Tagliamento River


Adriatic Sea

The Adriatic Sea, as depicted in the maps of the 2nd half of the 4th century BC, looks as ... read more


Lagoon of Marano

The Lagoons of Grado and Marano are fascinating amphibious microcosms ... read more


Idrovia Litoranea Veneta  coastal canal

The Venetian Coastal Canal is a navigable way that originated in the Venetian Lagoon ... read more


Tagliamento River

The Tagliamento River, anciently named Tiliaventum, is the synthesis of all the characteristics more

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