Lignano Sup Marathon 2021 in singolo o a staffetta a squadre

Ci si prepara in vista della maratona sup in singolo o a staffetta a squadre! 23 i chilometri per circumnavigare, domenica 30 maggio, con pagaia e tavola (Sup) e altri mezzi remieri, la penisola lignanese nel rodato percorso spiaggia-mare-canali-laguna-foci del fiume-mare-spiaggia. La macchina organizzativa in moto a pieno regime per garantire accoglienza, soddisfazione e sicurezza […]

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Getting ready for the Lignano Sup Marathon, alone or relay race May 30th

23 km to circumnavigate the Lignano peninsula on Sunday May 30th, using paddle and board (Sup) as well as by any other rowing or paddling boat. The route is the well-known one: beach-sea-canals-lagoon-mouth of the river-sea-sand. The organizational machine is running at full speed in order to guarantee hospitality, security and satisfaction to the participants […]

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